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18 jan 2022

Decided Case


Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information by former municipal...

A former municipal employee had not been authorised to disclose very sensitive personal data about 89 citizens to a journalist

09 nov 2021

Decided Case


Impartiality of judge and compensation for pre-trial detention

No basis for challenging the complete impartiality of judge. Applicants had no claim for compensation due to contributory negligence

09 nov 2021

Decided Case


Conditional discharge of person sentenced to preventive detention

Request for conditional discharge from preventive detention not granted

25 okt 2021

Decided Case


Permission to receive visits in prison and send a letter to the press ...

S, who was remanded in custody and charged with, among other things, terror-related crime, was not allowed to receive visits in prison or send ...

01 okt 2021

Decided Case


Prohibition of publication of recordings

Prohibition of publication of recordings of a demented person made with a hidden camera

21 sep 2021

Decided Case


Parliamentary immunity and defamation

Parliamentary immunity covered repeating of statements. Sufficient factual basis to support defamatory statements

14 sep 2021

Decided Case


Police officer fined for accidental shot during exercise

Police officer fined for unintentional discharge of his service pistol during an exercise because he had forgotten to insert the safety rod

25 aug 2021

Decided Case


Expulsion of Turkish citizen

Expulsion of Turkish citizen with a six-year entry ban was not in contravention of the Association Agreement or the Human Rights Convention

25 maj 2021

Decided Case


Reporting duty

Reporting duty not in contravention of the European Convention on Human Rights

12 maj 2021

Decided Case


Refusal of permanent resident permit

Refusal of permanent resident permit not in contravention of international obligations, including the Disability Convention

05 maj 2021

Decided Case


Access to supporting material for reports on gang affiliation

Defence counsel for four defendants to be given access to supporting material for reports on the defendants’ gang affiliation prepared by the Police

27 apr 2021

Decided Case


Compensation under section 26 of the Liability ...

No basis for compensation under section 26(1) of the Liability for Damages Act or the principle therein for municipal authorities’ wrongful decision