Members of the Court
The CVs of the Supreme Court Justices
The Supreme Court comprises one president and seventeen other justices. One of the justices is chairman of the Appeals Committee for a two-year period, and one is chairman of the Appeals Permission Board which considers petitions for leave to appeal in the third instance.
The justices of the Supreme Court are – like other judges – appointed by the Minister of Justice on recommendation from the independent Judicial Appointments Council. This Council is composed of a Supreme Court justice, a high court judge, a district court judge, a lawyer and two representatives of the public. Following a public job advertisement, a candidate is elected. Such candidate must pass a test by rendering his or her opinion in four Supreme Court cases and be assessed by the appointed justices before being appointed. The president is elected by and from among the justices and appointed by the Minister of Justice. The current Supreme Court justices have previously worked for the other courts, the central administration, the Prosecution or as lawyers or professors.
Below you will find the CVs of the justices.
Jens Peter Christensen, President
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2006
President of the Court since November 2022
Born 1956 in Skive
High school graduate 1975
Cand. phil. 1980
Master of Science in Political Science (Cand. scient. pol.) 1982
Ph.d. (Lic. jur.) 1990
Master of Laws (Cand. jur.) 1992
Dr. jur. 1997
Legal officer at the Municipality of Copenhagen 1983-84
Lecturer at Department of Political Science and Government, University of Aarhus 1984-85
Head of section at the Ministry of Education 1985-88
Research fellow at Department of Law, University of Aarhus 1988-90, senior lecturer of public law 1990-98
Professor of public law 1998-2006
Temporary judge of the Western High Court/Court of Appeal 1999-2000
Teaching assistant of economics at University of Aarhus 1979-82, at the University of Copenhagen 1983-87 and at Copenhagen Business School 1986-92, of business law at Copenhagen Business School 1992-94, of constitutional law at the University of Copenhagen 1987-97
Other positions and assignments
External examiner of constitutional law at the Universities of Aarhus and Copenhagen 1997-2017
Member of the executive committee of the Nordic Administrative Federation from 1999
Co-editor of the literary section of the Danish legal journal “Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen” 2003-2017
Member of the Committee on Courts of Inquiry 1994-96 (Report 1315/1996)
Member of the Danish Research Council for the Social Sciences 1995-98
Member of the Parliamentary Constitution Committee 1996-99
Member of the Committee on relations between ministers and government officials 1997-98 (Report 1354/1998)
Appointed by the Ministry of Finance to make the report ”Offentligt Ansatte Chefers Ansvar” (publ. 1998)
Member of the Committee on Police and defense intelligence services 1998-2012 (Report 1529/2012)
Member of the Election Board 1999-2012
Chairman of the group of experts regarding supervision of local administration 2002 (Report 1425/2002)
Chairman of the Committee on the right to vote when staying abroad 2003 (Report 1432/2003)
Chairman of the Committee on advice and assistance to government officials (Spin Doctor Committee) 2003 (Report 1443/2004)
Member of The Appeals Permission Board 2004-06
Chairman of the Committee on the freedom of expression and the right to disclose information of civil servants 2004 (Report 1472/2006)
Chairman of the board of the Danish Court Administration 2011-2018
Chairman of the Election Board from 2012
Chairman of the Committee on special advisers (spin doctors) 2012 (Report 1437/2013)
Chairman of § 66 Committee (legislative committee to follow up on the Farum Commission's recommendations) 2012 (Report 1538/2013)
Chairman of the Committee on the freedom of expression of civil servants and whistleblower schemes 2014 (Report 1553/2015)
Chairman of the Committee on Tribunals of Parliamentary Inquiry 2016 (Report 1566/2017 and Report 1571/2018)
Member of the board of the University of Aarhus from February 2017
Chairman of various committees regarding the doctorate in law and the appointment of law professors
Author of:
Den højere Uddannelse som Politisk Problem (1982)
Forfatningsretten og Det Levende Liv (Ph.d. dissertation 1990)
Ministeransvar (doctoral dissertation 1997)
Offentligt Ansatte Chefers Ansvar (1998)
Domstolene – den tredje statsmagt (2003)
"Højesteret og statsmagten" in the book Højesteret – 350 år (2011)
Dansk Statsret 1. ed. (with Jørgen Albæk Jensen and Michael Hansen Jensen) (2012)
Grundloven - atten fortællinger (2013)
Grundloven med kommentarer (with Jørgen Albæk Jensen and Michael Jensen) (2015)
"The Supreme Court in Today's Society" in the book The Supreme Court of Denmark (2015)
"Højesteret i dagens samfund" in the book Højesteret (2015)
Dansk Statsret, 3. ed. (with Jørgen Albæk Jensen and Michael Hansen Jensen) (2020)
Gads Fonds Juristpris 1991
Filtenborgprisen 2003
The festschrift "Festskrift til Jens Peter Christensen" (DJØF Publishing, 2016, 895 pages) was published on the occasion of his 60th birthday on 1 November 2016
Poul Dahl Jensen
Ministry of Justice 1983-2000
Public prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecution 2000-04
Other positions and assignments
Vice-President of the Danish Labour Court
Member of the Standing Committee on Criminal Law
Board member of the Danish Society on Criminology
Michael Rekling
Justice of the Supreme Court of Denmark from 2007
Born 18 February, 1958 in Copenhagen.
General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level in social studies and languages from Gammel Hellerup Gymnasium 1976
Master of laws (cand. jur.), University of Copenhagen, June 1981
Admitted to the Bar 1986
Admitted to the Supreme Court 1994
Professional experience
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice 1981-1988
Deputy Judge, City Court in Naestved 1981
Head of Section, Department of Family Law, Ministry of Justice 1981-1984
Deputy Judge, City Court in Toender 1984-1985
Head of Section of the legislative department, Ministry of Justice, Section of Property Law 1985-1988
Denmark’s representative of the Expert Committee on Family Law, Council of Europe 1985-1988
Secretary to the Sale of Goods Act Committee 1985-1988
Secretary to the Interest Act Committee, including the submission of
Report No. 1161/1989 on the Interest Act 1986-1988
Head of Section, Office of the Attorney General (part-time) 1981-1982 (approx.)
Assistant Chief Constable, Copenhagen Police (part-time) 1982-1983 (approx.)
Head of Section, District Attorney of Funen etc. (part-time) 1983-1984 and
1985-1987 (approx.)
Assistant to the District Attorney of Zealand 1988 (approx.)
Attorney-at-law, law firm Bornstein & Groenborg 1988-1991 (from 1991 law firm Koch-Nielsen & Groenborg)
Partner, law firm Koch-Nielsen & Groenborg 1992-2006 (from 2001 law firm Plesner)
External examiner, Faculty of law, Universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus 2002-2010
Counsel assigned to individuals accused by the State at the Supreme Court 2006
Lecturing experience
Lecturing Assistant, Law of contracts and torts, University of Copenhagen 1985-1988
Work for the Bar Association
Member of the Bar Association’s Committee on Legal Assistance 1990-1996 (approx.)
Member of the Bar Association’s Expert Committee on law of contracts and torts 1991-1997 (from 1993 vice-chairman)
Rapporteur to the Bar Association’s Professional Journal regarding law of contracts and torts 1994-1997
Member of the Contact Forum between the Eastern High Court and the attorneys in the jurisdiction of the Eastern High Court 1995-2003
Member of the General Council of the Danish Bar Association 1997-2003
Chairman of the Bar Association’s Expert Committee on law of competition and law of intellectual property 1997-1999
Chairman of the Bar Association’s Committee on young attorneys 1997-1999
Member of the Bar Association’s Opinion Committee 1997-1999 and
Member of the Commission on reforming the organization of the Danish Courts 1998-2001
Member of the Commission on reforming the organization of the Danish police 1998-2002
Chairman of the Bar Association’s Expert Committee on company law 1999-2001
Chairman of the Bar Association’s Committee on future competition in the market of consultancy services 1999-2000
Chairman of the Bar Association’s Expert Committee on family law, law of social services and employment law 2001-2003
Chairman of the board of the Bar Association’s Relief Fund 2001-2003
Member of the General Council’s Finance Committee 2001-2003
Vice-president of the Danish Bar Association 2003
Other experience
Substitute of the Danish Appeals Permission Board 2004-2006
Substitute for the chairman of the Danish Competition Appeals Board 2009-
Second Chairman of Presidium of the Arbitration Board for Construction Work 2009- 2016
Second Chairman of the Judicial Appointments Council 2014-2020
Chairman of the Appeals Permission Board 2016-2017
Member of the Board of The Association of Danish Judges 2016-2023
Chairman of Presidium of the Arbitration Board for Construction Work 2016-
Member of the Board of Directors of the Danish Society for Construction and Consulting Law 2016-
Hanne Schmidt
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2009
Born 1960
High school graduate 1978
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.) 1983
Head of section, Ministry of Justice and Assistant judge, District Court of Hvidovre 1983-86
Assistant police prosecutor, Gladsaxe Police 1987-88
Head of section, Ministry of Justice 1988-93
Assistant at the Public Prosecutor for Zealand 1988-1992
Temporary judge, District Court of Lyngby 1992-93
Head of division, Ministry of Justice 1993-97
Public prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecution 1997-2009
Other positions and assignments
Chairman of the Press Council 2014-2019
Editor with regard to judgments in the Danish legal journal “Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen”
Vice-chairman of the Danish Labour Court 2017-
Chairman of the board of the Danish Court Administration 2018-
Chairman of The Special Court of Indictment and Revision 2022- (Vice-chairman 2019-2022. Alternate Vice-chairman 2017-2019)
Lars Hjortnæs
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2010
Born 16. september 1960 in Århus
High school graduate 1979
Undergraduate studies at the University of Idaho, USA 1979-80
Master of Laws (Cand. jur.), University of Copenhagen 1985
Head of section at the Ministry of Justice 1985-87
Assistant judge, District Court of Kjellerup 1987-88
Head of section at the Ministry of Justice 1988-94
Head of Division, Property Law Office, Ministry of Justice 1994-2000
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Law Department, Ministry of Justice 2000-10
Other positions and assignments
Previously a member of the Standing Committee of Criminal Law, the Commission regarding Juvenile Delinquency, the editorial committee for ”Juristen” and the the Nordic Committee of Government Officials on legislative issues
External examiner at the University of Copenhagen 2002-
Chairman of the Standing Committee on Procedural Law 2014-
Vice-chairman of the Danish Labour Court from 2014-
Member of the "Teachers' Committee" (committee looking into the working hour regulations for teachers) 2018-2019
Author of: ”Lov om forbrugerbeskyttelse ved erhvervelse af fast ejendom m.v. med kommentarer” 2. ed., DJØF, 2021 (ISBN 978-87-574-4464-3).
Oliver Talevski
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2011
Born 1964
High school graduate 1982
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.) University of Copenhagen 1986
LL.M. Cambridge University, England 1988
Admitted to the bar 1992 (license deposited)
Admitted to the High Court/Court of Appeal and the Maritime and Commercial Court 1993
Judge of the Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal
Head of division at the Law Department of the Ministry of Justice
Head of section at the Ministry of Justice
Attorney at Kammeradvokaten (the Legal Advisor to the Danish Government)
Assistant judge, District Court of Holstebro
Other positions and assignments
Writing and teaching assignments
Judge of the European Nuclear Energy Tribunal 2006-14.
Member and secretary of various committees , including vice-chairman of the Commission regarding the openness of public administration 2003-05.
Part-time assistant judge, District Court of Køge 1995-96.
Assistant at the Public Prosecutor for Copenhagen 1994-95.
Part-time duties at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution and as assistant judge at the Maritime and Commercial Court 1991-92.
Lecturer of jurisprudence (legal philosophy) at the University of Copenhagen 1989-1990.
Assistant police prosecutor, Gladsaxe Police 1988-89.
Assistant judge, District Court of Frederiksberg 1986-87.
Chairman of the Danish Labour Court 2019- (Vice-chairman 2014-2019)
Chairman of the Civil Service Tribunals 2019-
Chairman of the Dismissals Tribunal 2019-
Chairman of the Dismissals Tribunal for Managerial and Executive Staff 2019-
Chairman of the Appeals Permission Board 2018-2019
Chairman of the Judicial Appointments Council March 2019-March 2023
Chairman of the Equal Pay Board 2020-
Jan Schans Christensen
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2012
Born August 15, 1957 in the Netherlands
High School graduate 1976
Master of Laws (cand. jur.) 1981
Admitted to the Danish Bar 1984
Admitted to the Danish High Court/Court of Appeal 1986
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Columbia University School of Law, New York 1988
Dr.jur., University of Copenhagen 1991
Main occupation
Junior attorney and attorney with Per Federspiel Law Firm 1981-86
Attorney with Trolle, Damsbo & Lund-Andersen 1986-87
Foreign associate with the law firm Debevoise & Plimpton, New York (Corporate Department) 1988-89
Attorney with and partner of Trolle, Damsbo & Lund-Andersen 1989 and Bech-Bruun & Trolle 1990-2000
Professor of corporate law at the University of Copenhagen 2001-2012
Other positions, assignments and activities
Various teaching positions with, inter alia, the University of Copenhagen 1985-87 and 1993-94
Member of the Danish Bar and Law Society’s company law committee 1992-93, Deputy Chairman 1993-97
Member of the Danish Bar’s Committee for the 1st Circuit 1994-2000
Member of the European Commission’s High Level Group of Company Law Experts 2001-2002
Chairman of the Danish Corporate Law Association 2001-2012
Member of the Dutch Ministry of Justice’s Group of Experts on Cross-Border Voting, 2002
Chairman of the Danish Committee on Marketing Practices and Price Labelling 2003-2005
Deputy Chairman of the Danish Radio and Television Board 2004-2011
Chairman of the Danish committee on insider trading 2005-2010
Chairman of the Danish Competition Council 2005-2012
Chairman of the Danish Accountant Commission 2005-2011
Member of the Danish Committee on Modernising Company Law 2006-2008
Member of the Board of The Danish Arbitration Association 2008-2022
Chairman of the Copyright License Tribunal 2012-
Member of the ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators 2012-
Chairman of the Board on intellectual property rights licenses 2012-
Deputy chairman of the Arbitration Council for Building and Construction Enterprise 2016-
Chairman of the Committee on liability for members of board and management of financial undertakings 2019-2021 (Report 1575/2021)
Adjunct professor at the University of Copenhagen 2021-
Chairman of the Competition Appeals Tribunal 2021-
Has acted as arbitrator in a large number of domestic and international cases involving private as well as public undertakings
Author of various text books, articles and contributions, including:
Contested Takeovers in Danish Law (doctoral dissertation, 1991)
Ledelse & aktionærer (management and shareholders, 1992)
Grænseoverskridende virksomhedsoverdragelser (cross-border mergers and acquisitions, 1998)
Selskabsloven med kommentarer (commentary on the Danish Companies Act, 1st ed. 2012, 2nd ed. 2024)
Kapitalselskaber (limited liability companies, 1st ed. 2003, 6th ed. 2021)
Det Europæiske Selskab (the European company, co-author Sanne Dahl Fredslund, 2007)
Iagttagelser ved skiftet fra professor til højesteretsdommer
(contribution in "Festskrift til Jens Peter Christensen". DJØF, 2016
Højesterets domsbegrundelser i historisk lys
(article in Juristen nr. 4 2019, theme issue about the 100th anniversary of the Danish Administration of Justice Act)
Kurt Rasmussen
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2012
Born 1958
High school graduate 1978
Master of Laws (Cand. jur.) University of Copenhagen 1985
Head of section at the Ministry of Justice 1985-87
Assistant judge, Distict Court of Tønder 1987-88
Head of section at the Ministry of Justice 1988-91
Legal attaché at Permanent Representation of Denmark to the European Union, Brussels 1991-93
Legal adviser/Head of division at the Ministry of Justice 1993-97
Judge of the Western High Court/Court of Appeal 1997-2012
Other positions and assignments
Lecturer of criminal law and EU law at the University of Copenhagen (before 1997)
External examiner at the University of Aarhus 1998-2000
Member of the Danish National Tax Tribunal 1998-2010
Judge of the Arbitration Council for Building and Construction Enterprise 2007-11 and again 2013-
Deputy chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board 2001-13
Chairman of the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar 2017-2022
Chairman of the Appeals Permission Board 2020-
Jens Kruse Mikkelsen
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2013
Born 1965 in Aarhus
High School Graduate 1984
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.) 1990, Aarhus University
Master of Laws (LL.M.) 1994, Harvard Law School, USA
Assistant attorney, Kromann & Münter Law Firm 1990
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice 1990-1997
Head of Division, Ministry of Justice 1997-2002
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice 2003-2008
Judge of the Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal 2008-2013
Other positions and assignments
Vice-chairman of the Special Court of Indictment and Revision 2022-
Chairman of the Press Council 2020- (Alternate 2016-2019)
Chairman of the Insurance Complaints Board 2019-
Chairman of the Council of Greenland's Judicial System 2017-
External Examiner at Aarhus University 2006-2014
Member of and Secretary to various law reform committees under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice, including the Commission on Reform of the Greenlandic Legal System, the Standing Committee on Procedural Law, and the Standing Committee on Criminal Procedure
Prosecutor (part-time) at the State Prosecutor for Copenhagen 1995-1997
Case Officer (part-time) at the State Prosecutor for Copenhagen 1994-1995
Deputy Judge (part-time) at Copenhagen City Court 1990-1993
Lars Apostoli
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2014
Born 1961
Master of Laws (Cand. Jur.) 1986
Head of section at the Ministry of Justice (the Office of Criminal Law and the Law Department) 1986-92
Kammeradvokaten (Legal Adviser to the Danish Government) 1988-2014 (attorney since 1989, admitted to the Supreme Court 1994 and partner 1998-2014). Mainly tax law cases
Other positions and assignments
Deputy member of the Presidium of the Arbitration Board for Construction Work
Chairman of the Committee concerning "Karnovs Skattepris"
Member of the Council of the Danish Fiscal Association
Kristian Korfits Nielsen
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2017
Born 1968 in Aalborg
High School Graduate 1988
Master of Laws (Cand. jur.) 1994, Aarhus Universitet
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice 1994-1998
Acting Head of Division, the Danish Data Surveillance Authority (now the Danish Data Protection Agency) 1999
Assistant Judge at the City Court of Roskilde 1999-2000
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice 2000-2002
Legal adviser, Ministry of Justice 2003
Head of Division, Ministry of Justice 2004-2009
Legal commissioner, the Prime Minister's Department 2009-2011
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice 2011-2014
Judge of the Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal 2014-2017
Other positions and assignments
Member of and Secretary to various law reform committees
Part-time duties as assistant police prosecutor, Copenhagen Police 1995
Part-time duties at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution 1995-1996
Assistant public prosecutor, the Public Prosecutor for Copenhagen 2001-2002
External examiner at law faculties 2008-
Deputy Chairman of the Public Contracts Appeals Board 2016-2017
Chairman of the Data Protection Council 2018-
Vice-chairman of the Danish Labour Court 2020-
Alternate Vice-chairman of the Special Court of Indictment and Revision 2023-
Co-author of ”Lov om behandling af personoplysninger med kommentarer” (2001/2008/2015)
Co-author of "Databeskyttelsesforordningen og databeskyttelsesloven" (2020)
Jørgen Steen Sørensen
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2019
Born on 21 April 1965
LLM (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), 1990
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice, 1990−92 and 1994−98
Head of Section, Parliamentary Ombudsman office, 1992−94
Studies at the University of Montpellier, 1998
Head of Department, Ministry of Justice (Legislative Office), 1998−2001
Acting judge, Eastern High Court, 2001−2002
Head of Division, Ministry of Justice (Legislative Office), 2002−2004 and 2005−2007
Employed at the U.K. Home Office and Cabinet Office, London, 2004−2005
Director of Public Prosecutions, 2007−2012
Parliamentary Ombudsman 2012-2019
Other positions and assignments
Concurrently with employment at the Ministry of Justice: i.a. external lecturer in constitutional law and legal philosophy (University of Copenhagen), prosecutor with the Copenhagen Police and with the State Prosecutor’s office, and adviser for Danida (Denmark’s development cooperation) in connection with the development of democratic institutions in the 3rd World, Uganda in particular
Danish representative, The European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) under the Council of Europe
Member of the Board of the Law Society in Copenhagen
Member of the Board of the Nordic Law Meetings
Member of the editorial committee for the Danish professional journal Juristen
Chairman of the Board of Copenhagen Legal Aid
Vice-chairman of the Danish Labour Court
Author or co-author of a number of articles in law journals on, i.a., matters involving constitutional, human rights and criminal issues and of various law commentaries.
Ole Hasselgaard
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2021
Born on 3 April 1967
LLM (University of Aarhus, Denmark), 1993
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice, 1993−1996 and 1998-2001
Assistant judge (Court of Roskilde), 1997-1998
Studies at the University of Montpellier, France, 2000
Head of Department, Ministry of Justice, 2001-2007
Acting judge (Eastern High Court), 2005−2006
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, 2007-2012
Director of Public Prosecutions, 2012−2018
Lawyer at the law firm Nielsen Nørager, Copenhagen, 2018-2020
Other positions and assignments
Chairman of the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar 2022-
Chairman of the Standing Committee on Criminal Law 2023-
Arbitrator Member of various law reform committees
Editor with regard to judgments in the Danish legal journal “Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen” 2022-
External examiner at the University of Copenhagen
Co-author of articles etc. involving administrative law and criminal issues
Rikke Foersom
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2021
Born 1974
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.), University of Aarhus 2002
Studies in Rhetorics and Communications, University of Aarhus 2002
Legal Clerk at the State Administration (Northern Jutland) 2002-2005
Lecturer at the Department of Law, University of Aarhus 2005
Deputy Judge at the City Court of Herning 2006
Deputy Judge and acting legal assessor at the City Court of Aarhus 2007-2012
Deputy Judge at the Western High Court 2012-2013
Acting Judge at the Western High Court 2013-2014
Deputy Judge and acting legal assessor at the City Court of Randers 2014
Judge at the City Court of Horsens 2014-2015
Judge at the Western High Court 2015-2021
Other positions
Chairman of the Danish Board of Equality 2016-2021
Member of the Board of the Association of Danish Judges 2023-
Assigned liaison of the Superior Courts Network (SCN) of the European Court of Human Rights 2023-
Vice-President of the Danish Labour Court 2024-
Deputy Chairman of the Appeals Permission Board 2024-
Søren Højgaard Mørup
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2022
Born 8th April 1973
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.) 1997
Dr.jur. 2006
Assistant attorney, Advokatfirmaet Tommy V. Christiansen 1997-2000
Head of section, the Ministry of Justice (Department of Private Law) 2000-2001
Research Fellow and Research Assistant Professor, Aarhus University 2001-2004
Acting judge at the Court of Appeal for Western Denmark 2005
Associate Professor of tax law, Aarhus University 2005-2007
Professor of property law, Aalborg University 2007-2010
Professor of public law, Department of Law, Aarhus University 2010-2022
Other positions and assignments
Chairman of the Association for Areas and Rights in Denmark 2016-
Chairman of the Association for Municipal and Administrative Law in Denmark 2019- (Vice-Chairman 2011-2019)
Head of the Appraisal Commission under the Renewable Energy Act 2009-2017
Head of the Appeal Appraisal commission for Northern Jutland and Viborg 2009-2022
Chairman of the Appraisal Commission for Northern and Central Jutland 2018-2022
Chairman of the Superior Appraisal Commission of Aarhus and Holstebro 2019-2022
Member of the Appeals Permission Board 2018-2019 ((Alternate in 2017)
Member of the Commission of inquiry on SKAT (the Danish tax authority) 2017-2022
Member of the Committee on freedom of expression of civil servants and whistleblower schemes 2014-2015
Member of the Committee on actions against bikers' clubhouses 2015-2016
Member of the Expert Committee on evaluation of mail list tests 2016-2017
Member of the Agency for Digitisation’s Advisory Board concerning the legal framework for digital government 2020-2021
Author of various text books, articles and contributions, including:
Berettigede forventninger i forvaltningsretten (dissertation, 2005)
Festskrift til Jens Peter Christensen (editor with Børge Dahl and Michael H. Jensen) (2016)
Offentlige myndigheders erstatningsansvar (editor with Peter Pagh and Niels Fenger) (2017)
”Legalitetsprincippet og grundsætningen om saglig forvaltning” and ”Andre almindelige retsgrundsætninger om afgørelser indhold” in Forvaltningsret (edited by Niels Fenger) (2018)
Ekspropriation i praksis, 2. ed. (with Hanne Mølbeck and Jens Flensborg) (2019)
Forvaltningsret. Sagsbehandling, 8. ed. (with Jens Garde, Carl Aage Nørgaard and Karsten Revsbech) (2019)
Festskrift til Karsten Revsbech (editor with Helle Bødker Madsen and Michael H. Jensen) (2020)
Forvaltningsret. Almindelige emner, 7. ed. (with Jens Garde, Jørgen Albæk Jensen, Orla Friis Jensen, Helle Bødker Madsen, Karsten Revsbech and Ole Terkelsen) (2022)
Kommunalret, 5. ed. (with Jens Garde and Karsten Revsbech) (2023)
Forvaltningspersonalet, 5. ed. (with Karsten Revsbech and Mette Søsted Hemme) (2023)
Peter Mørk Thomsen
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2023
Born 1974 in Copenhagen
Master of Laws (Cand. jur.), University of Copenhagen, 2001
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration and Commercial Law (HA jur.), Copenhagen Business School, 1997
Assistant attorney, Norrbom & Vinding Lawfirm, 2001-2002
Legal advisor, Danish Court Administration, 2002-2003
Deputy judge, Supreme Court, 2003-2006
Deputy judge, District Court of Frederiksberg, 2006-2008
Deputy judge, Copenhagen Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal, 2008-2009
Acting judge, Copenhagen Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal, 2009-2010
Acting judge, Copenhagen District Court, 2010-2013
Judge, District Court of Glostrup, 2013-2015
Judge, Copenhagen Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal, 2015-2023
Other positions and assignments
Legal advisor, Competition Appeals Board, 2003-2010
Deputy judge, Special Complaints Court, 2004
Legal advisor, Civil Servant Inquiry, “Papkassenotatsagen”, 2012-2013
Legal advisor, Civil Servant Inquiry, “Christianiasagen”, 2014
Vice-chairman of the Refugee Appeals Board, 2017-2021
Chairman of a Commission of Inquiry (”Instrukskommissionen”), 2020-2021
Julie Arnth Jørgensen
Justice of the Supreme Court since 2023
Born 1976
High School Graduate, 1995
Wittenberg University, Ohio, USA, 1995-1996
Exchange student at New York University School of Law, 2000
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.), Copenhagen University, 2001
Admitted to the bar 2004
Admitted to the High Court bar 2006
LL.M., New York University School of Law, USA, 2008
Main occupations
Junior attorney and later attorney at Hjejle Gersted & Mogensen Law Firm, 2001-2008
Acting judge, Western High Court, 2008
Attorney and later associate partner at Bruun & Hjejle Law Firm, 2009-2015
Acting Judge, Eastern High Court, 2016
Attorney and partner at Horten Law Firm, 2017
High Court Judge at the Eastern High Court, 2017-2023
Other positions and assignments, etc.
External lecturer at the law faculty at the University of Copenhagen (arbitration and CISG) 2003-2010
Has acted as arbitrator in several domestic and international cases under the auspices of the Danish Institute of Arbitration
Board of the Danish arbitration association
Member of committees under the auspices of the Danish Institute of Arbitration making recommendations on revisions to the Danish Arbitration Act and proposal for an Act of Mediation
Author to articles on the taking of evidence in arbitration, drafting arbitral awards and the use of written witness statements.
Mohammad Ahsan
Justice of The Supreme Court from 2023
Born 1970
LLM (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), 1998
Main occupations
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice, 1998-2001 and 2004-2006
Deputy judge, Supreme Court, 2001-2004
Senior legal adviser, Ministry of Justice, 2007-2009
Head of Division, Ministry of Justice, 2009-2011
Legal commissioner, the Prime Minister’s Office 2011-2013
Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions 2013-2017 and 2018
Acting judge, Eastern High Court, 2017-2018
High Court Judge, Eastern High Court, 2018-2023
Other positions and assignments
Member of and secretary to various law reform committees
Part-time duties as assistant police prosecutor, Copenhagen Police, 1998-1999
Assistant lecturer and lecturer of Constitutional Law at the University of Copenhagen 1999-2007
Assistant lecturer of International Public Law at the University of Copenhagen 2002
Assistant public prosecutor, the Public Prosecutor for Zeeland, 2004-2006
Member of the Council of Europe’s Group of Specialists on Access to Official Information 2004-2008
Lecturer of European Human Rights Law at the University of Copenhagen 2005
Chairman of the Independent Police Complaints Authority 2019-2023
Arbitrator at the Danish Institute of Arbitration 2019-2023
Member of the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman’s evaluation panel 2020-
Vice-chairman of the Danish Refugee Appeals Board 2021-2023
Chairman of the Evidence Oversight Board 2022-2023
Author and co-author of a number of articles in law journals on, i.a., matters involving constitutional, human rights and criminal issues and as well of law commentaries on the Public Information Act and the Environmental Information Act
Anne Louise Bormann. On leave from May 2023
Justice of the Supreme Court from 2016
From May 2023 Judge of the European Court of Human Rights
Born 1967 in Rønde
High School Graduate 1986
Master of Laws (Cand.jur.) 1991, Copenhagen University
Master of Laws (LL.M.) 1998, University of Nottingham
Head of Section, Ministry of Justice 1991-1994 and 1996-2000
Deputy Judge at the City Court of Kalundborg
Head of Division, Ministry of Justice 2001-2004
Judge of the Eastern High Court/Court of Appeal 2005-2016
Other positions and assignments
Alternate Vice-chairman of the Special Court of Indictment and Revision 2022-
External Examiner at Copenhagen University from 2010
Writing and teaching assignments
Member of and Secretary to various law reform committees under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice
Chairman of the Committee on Reform of Marital Property Law 2010-2015
Chairman of the Standing Committee on Criminal Procedure 2014-
Danida Consultant on the training of Ugandan magistrates 2011-2015
Case Officer (part-time) at the State Prosecutor for Copenhagen 1996-2000
Deputy Judge (part-time) at Copenhagen City Court 1993-1994
Prosecutor (part-time) at the Copenhagen Police 1991-1993
Sidst opdateret: 11. marts 2025