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25 maj 2020

Decided Case


Jurisdiction in consumer contracts

Agreements between a bank and foreign users of the bank's investment portal were consumer contracts, and agreements conferring Danish jurisdiction were not...

20 maj 2020

Decided Case


The Lisbon Treaty

Unauthorised translation of the judgment on the Lisbon Treaty

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Dismissal in contravention of the Act on Prohibition against Discrimination

Dismissal of B amounted to discrimination on the grounds of disability in contravention of the Danish Act on Prohibition against Discrimination

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Compensation for exceeding the maximum weekly working hours

Employee awarded DKK 50,000 in compensation for having worked for more than 48 hours on average per week during several four-month reference periods

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Dismissal not in contravention of the Act on Prohibition against Discrimination

Dismissal of A was not related to her illness or sick leave

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


No duty to pay licence fee for the use of music in dance and exercise classes

FOF København had no duty to pay a licence fee to Koda for the use of music in dance and exercise classes

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Transferee liable for wrongful dismissal

Transferee liable for claim for the transferor’s wrongful dismissal of a union representative following the transfer of the undertaking

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Danish jurisdiction

Under the Brussels I Regulation, an agreement on jurisdiction between insurer and policyholder was not binding on an injured party who was permitted under ...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Danish jurisdiction

Danish rules on pig transports not in contravention of EU law

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Agricultural aid

Agricultural aid recovered as fields did not meet requirement for thick and low vegetation cover.

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Danish tax rule not contrary to international agreement

Section 39A(5) of the Danish Capital Gains Tax Act on payment of deferred amount was not contrary to agreement on the free movement of persons concluded be...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Employee not entitled to replacement holiday for illness during holiday

The Ministry of Employment was liable for compensation for not having brought the Danish Holiday Act in line with the EU Working Time Directive, but there ...